Weather in Carlsbad, California

Typical weather in Carlsbad varies significantly by season. The clearest part of the year lasts from November 2 through April 26. The cloudier part of the year begins from April 26 to June 3.

The rainless period of the year lasts from April 5 to November 19. The drier part of the year lasts from November 19 to April 5. The stormiest periods of the year occur in early and late February.

The hottest periods of the year occur in mid-June and early and late July. The coldest periods occur in mid-November and early and late January. The Carlsbad warmer water period lasts from July 9 to October 7. The Carlsbad cooler water period lasts from December 8 to April 21.

The Carlsbad climate is moderately humid with an average humidity of 69.6%. Carlsbad has an average high temperature of 65degF and an average low temperature of 47degF. During the warmest season, Carlsbad has an average of 22 days with temperatures above 65degF. The coolest season has an average of 22 days with temperatures below 47degF.

Carlsbad has an average wind speed of 5.4 miles per hour. The average wind direction varies slightly throughout the year. The predominant direction is northeast.

The maximum sustained winds are highest in early to mid April. The windiest part of the year lasts from November 12 to June 3. The average wind speed is more than 6.3 miles per hour.

The average rainfall is less than 0.5 inches. The lowest chance of significant precipitation occurs in September, October and June. The months with the highest chance of significant precipitation are December, January and February.